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WHO on world's drunkest countries...Check out where Nigerians are and the leading drunk of them all

Alright... when I first saw this , I was filled with unimaginable laughter. World's Drunkest country? You might, just as much as I did, ask,'' Why the drunkest countryin the world?''. After I studied the report, I realised that it serves various purposes. We can all learn from that too.

So here goes...

 The world's drunkest countries...perhaps you may have an idea of the country that should be on top of that corporate ladder of  non-teetotallers. Well, some people have said it is South Africa, others think it  is Gabon.

Well, Nigerians perhaps think they should be crowned the drunkest of them all; I thought so too, but Nigerians aren't left behind anyway. According to pictorial demographic report presented by WHO, we are among the second set of countries who are hopelessly drowned in the sea of alcohol too.

According to the reports,East Africa and countries in the middle east are  the most sober of all the countres of the world. Reasons could be predicated on strict religious obligations: abstinence from alcohol.

Countries surrounding Nigeria are better teetotallers than  the South Americans and The U.S.
So, according to the report, Ghanaians are drier than the U.S when it comes to alcohol consumption.
Yes, now you know. Ghanaian are more sanctimonious than the U.S dwellers and Nigerians

Getting to the top of the ladder, I hope you still remember the countries at the ladder's base? Good.
Here we have South Africans, Nigerians, Australians, and Canadians close to the top. You may think these people don't know where their limits are; well yes,  they obviously don't know.

What  then do we have to say about the Lords of the rum and king of  it all? These ones have a knack for not knowing where their limits are too. Picturing the country with such devavstation already? Picture no further. They are non other than Russia, Ukraine, and Belarius with Russia finally crowned the King of the drunkest countries in the world. Little wonder when vodka and rum get mentioned, our minds wonder to Russia.LOL

World alcohol map

this is according  to a 2014 study by WHO


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