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Hawaii just effectively became the first state to ban plastic bags


Wow! A new development hits Hawaii and it promises to create a healthier environment for the people.  It is operation eradicate the plastic!
I hope Nigerians learn from this… we need to extricate all forms plastic bags from in Nigeria too.

Read the news from Mashable

Oahu has just joined the rest of the Hawaiian Islands in enforcing a ban on plastic bags, making Hawaii the first state in the union to fully prohibit them.

Effective next Wednesday, businesses in Oahu will no longer be allowed to offer plastic or other non-recyclable bags to customers. That applies to any carryout bag given out by retailers to customers that is made from non-compostable materials and not specifically designed for re-use.

However, the ban has a number of loopholes. It doesn't apply to bags used for fruits, vegetables, nuts, meat or fish, flowers or potted plants, takeout bags at restaurants, or newspaper bags used for home deliveries, among other exemptions.

Retailers can implement the ban by instead providing acceptable bags, such as:

Compostable plastic bags (which meet compostability standards by having a Biodegradable Product Institute (BPI) logo or having “compostable” on both sides of the bag)

Recyclable paper bags (must be 100 percent recyclable, contain a minimum of forty percent post-consumer recycled content, and visibly displays the words "recyclable" and "reusable")

reusable bags (made with cloth, other washable or durable material)

The City's Department of Environmental Services will implement and enforce the island's ban, and businesses that don't comply are subject to hefty fines of $100 to $1,000 per day of violation. The ban is being enforced by Hawaii's four separate County Councils.

The plastic bag ban first hit the Hawaiian islands when Maui implemented a ban in 2011, quickly followed by Kauai in the same year, and Hawaii County in 2013.

California is considering a similar ban, which is already in effect in cities such as San Francisco. A law to outlaw plastic bags in the Golden state has been put on hold pending a ballot measure in November 2016.

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