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Woman’s Butt Explodes While Doing Squats For Instagram Video


A Woman is in a coma after her butt implants exploded while doing squats for an Instagram Video.
Serena Beuford, 27, was working out with a friend. After Beuford’s friend finished working out, she attempted to record Beuford doing squats to post the video on Instagram.
As Beuford was squatting, she heard a loud pop; which prompted her to immediately stop. Soon after the popping sound, Beuford fell to the floor screaming in agony from the pain.

Jewel, a patron of the gym said:
I heard a loud popping noise followed by the woman falling to the floor. She was screaming my a** is gone!!!; I had no idea what she was talking about until I saw her cushion like butt missing when EMS took her out the gym. She used to always show off her butt in the gym and tried to get guys attention with her work outs.
She was rushed to the hospital where she went into a coma possibly due to the trauma. Doctors say Serena Beuford is in serious condition.
Beuford’s sister, Jackie Beaford said:
My sister Serena had visited an unlicensed clinic to get the butt she really wanted (64 inch bottom). She started to become famous on Instagram and even got a job at a club. Guys would look at her differently and buy her expensive stuff just because of her butt.
The clinic Serena Beuford used for the procedure is currently under investigation.
There has been an increasing trend in woman getting butt injections and implants to amass unhealthy sizes. Psychological studies suggest the trend is due to artists such as Lil Kim, Nicki Minaj and Iggy Azalea being worshipped for having fake backsides.
According to medical officials, Beuford will require extensive medical procedures to repair the damage caused by the bad surgery. Physicians says, these surgeries are not healthy for the body and are not meant to last long.


  1. Hmmm
    Women of nowadays can do anything just to get attention. Nawao! There is God oh! In everything we are doing.
    Be Wise!!!

  2. alu mere! This should be lesson well learned for all those fake ladies.

  3. Too bad! Artificially acquired things don't last. Ladies please be natural.

  4. that ass is too sexy. its unfortunate it exploded. when she survive it she may want to do it again. Americans are strange

  5. I want a video sir!!! Damn!! Girls ntooooo!!!

  6. I have been doing squats and thought Glute booster dermalmd serum would be perfect to add to my daily routine. Now got Great boooty


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