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Aging DMX jailed for 6months, Find out why


My word! did you notice how old the 45-year-old rapper,DMX, has got? Once young, jocky, hunky and everything in between, need I say, ladies found him completely irresistible; now, his graying hair has just given way for a more geriatric look to unfold..

Anyway, that is besides the point; he was jailed in Buffalo, New York yesterday July 14th for failing to comply with a family court ruling. He was asked by a court to pay back child support  worth $400000 to one of his baby mamas but he didn't. It seems these days we can count the number of American celebrities without more than one baby mama; and those with baby mamas are so numerous they can't be counted.

As he appeared in court yesterday, a judge slapped him with a 6 months sentence and had him immediately locked up in Erie County Holding Center. I guess he thought he was invincible.
DMX has served several spells in prison, and has been arrested many times, for offences including possession of drugs, animal cruelty, parole violation, driving without a license and driving under the influence of alcohol. This is actually his first prison sentence since  2011
In the late 90s and early 00s, DMX was one of hip-hop’s biggest stars. His first five albums all topped the US charts. His most recent album, 2012’s Undisputed, reached No 19 in the US.
So, do you think the beast in him needs redemption or be thrown into the abyss?
See more pictures after the cut


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