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See photos of Kim K booty cheeks for System magazine..Does she think she isn't nude? find out


 The big question is, how do you measure what is too revealing? Kim Kardashian had, according to blogs I read  this morning, felt remorse for posing nude with just silver paint covering what is left of her  nudity.
I have wondered, what yardstick does she use to  measure 'nudity'?

 So this picture is what she cries over as being nude

Let us just say she felt remorse and repented; then all of a sudden, she is seen in another shoot recently wearing gold lingerie and posing in the filth  with her booty popping out as always and her shoulder-length blonde and almost disheveled hair which  makes to scream '' I am a slut! come get me''.  I guess the pigs will be warming up to devour her.
But then I am utterly confused.. Aren't these pictures taking for System magazine quite exposing as the other one she had her eyes welled up in tears for is?  Just judge it all.
Any way, where them pigs at? They most certainly do have good company in the wild.  LOL!
What do you think  people?
See more pictures below

photo credits... System Magazine


  1. Funny enuf I don't find her sexy at all and as for nudity, well she is the girl her booty made famous so it's normal for her to keep showing it off.... I just hope the younger generation will understand the difference in her kind of business and the normal kind of business

  2. Hmmm. Nawa oo

  3. Respect and that i have a nifty supply: How To Become A House Renovation house for renovation


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