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Her Precious Leaf by King Ifey Muonyili

Her Precious Leaf

Innocence was lost at the time her life began.
In the Sun, petals of hers bloomed and glistened.
It was lush, it was beautiful, it was desirable.
In her paradise innocence burgeoned
Coursing through her to the world’s delight.

A whisper in her ears
Soil-tilled hands clenched her wrists.
Beads of sweats rained on her.
Her tiny wrists red in pain.
‘Uncle you hurt me!’ she shrieked

Dazing slap flew pass her face.
Silence crept in and numbed her mind.
Her innocence drowned as the heaviness
Of a warrior’s weight weighed her down.
She felt it as it sank. 

Her quest for vengeance axed.
When Pity came to party to polish
‘Himself’ with her innocence
Mother said ‘He is just a man. He is your uncle’
And the precious leaf that was her, Jaundiced.

 Her heart she laid on burning coal
Her eyes shut as lasses with
 Bloody thighs and teary eyes
Danced around the altar that was her heart.
Into thin air, her innocence evaporated.

 Now, vengeance lurked after dark.
A knife full of pains and sorrows
Woke a man from his slumber,
Muffled his voice and opened
The door that heralded his homecoming to Hades.


King Ifey 

written on

July, 27, 2017


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