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Here is Aba town's tourist attraction...Hmm so much for our good health

 Someone cried over the terrible situation of the South-eastern high ways on facebook, Most especially, Abia State.This morning he posted the picture above, lamenting at the  awful condition of one of the highways that cut across Aba town in Abia State.

Here is what he —Uziel Michael (a writer)— has to say. And please brace yourself for the laugh.

''I recently made a journey through Enugu, Abia and Imo. Our highways showed me how we (I think the thing worse for Naija) suck at town planning and healthy living. The roads were so bad, that at the end of the rather bumpy ride, I had more than a few knots in my body. That wasn't so bad. But then, as we were living Aba, I saw this horrifying scenery. Garbage. Lots and lots and lots of garbage. On the highway. The stench could have killed me if the windows were wound up. I kept wondering what the government was thinking when it sited a dump site this close to the highway. Tourist attraction?
I am talking about the government, common citizens nko? In that my bus, one woman ate several balls of Okpa, moi moi, plantain chips, egg roll, and roasted corn. She drank bottles of coke and water. I don't have a problem with her eating o! It's just that she kept on throwing her garbage out the window, probably enjoying the way the wind blew the stuff about. I couldn't help it, I gave a lecture. I told her that no one was going to clean up that mess. No body sweeps the highways. That shit is going to stay there for years, pie ably clog up water ways. She didn't give a damn.
Biko, umu nne na umu nna n'ime chineke. Let us help ourselves by imbibing a healthy life style.''

LOL! Well it is indeed a perfect tourist attraction I must say. So much for our good health. What do you think?


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