What exactly
do you know teachers for… I mean male teachers in particular? The ones who
teach math. My math
teacher was a stout, middle aged man,
with very fair skin and a potbelly just like the man in the picture below

He would, as I always thought he did,
complicate all the maths mysteries of dy dx and then eventually leave me dozing
off in class like someone who had been completely inebriated from a drinking fest. Actually, some years later, I discovered I mystified the dydx myself. Well, apparently, it was nobody's fault.
See the man who married two human looking sex dolls ..LOL
See the man who married two human looking sex dolls ..LOL
So, a friend
of mine ,who attended a Molusi College Ijebuigbo, Ogun State, had told
me he did well in all subjects except maths. why was that? Well, his math teacher was the
quintessence of an old school teacher. Not only that, he also always wore same clothes for many days,
always with a whip and hands soiled with chalks, beards overgrown like that of
the forgotten man screaming 'save me!' in the wilderness; plus a powerfully disturbing scent his
body oozed from the combination of over-puffed perfume fused with the original body odour to get magnified to the point of giving someone’s nostrils some
convulsing asthma attack..LOL.
So, a lot of us have our reasons why we don’t always
excel in mathematics.
Ladies, do
you think that there can be some changes that can be made to make you
understand maths much better?
see. What if you were giving Pietro Boselli ,would you come out in flying
See pictures of Pietro Boselli below


So, were you dazzled?
You might be saying ''hell to the no. Is he kidding me? is this a maths teacher? i will definitely make all A's and come out in flying colours if he teaches me....PRIVATELY'' LOL.
Hmm... i doubt it. well, King Ifey thinks if he teaches you, you would've certainly made all B's(babies) and come out a mother out of wedlock with some other colleagues of yours put in the same family way as you.
Let me disclose this, Math teachers are not always those pictures of backward, archaic and old-fashioned headmasters;these
days they are a lot different.
Pietro Boselli
is currently 26 years old and a professor… Ladies, don’t think that all those
fashionable, debonaire jocks you see around are not intellectuals…they might surprise you like Pietro Boselli did his students.
So, here is
to all math teachers, may your personality encounter some serious makeover for
the betterment of your life and that of our children.
Good to know