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New Song Alert: Give me Some Love By Christofyk

When nostalgia hits you from a recent song, then two things are involved, it is either the song is filled with pastiches of classic older songs you feel connected to, or the lyrics tells your life's stories in ways that make your heart leap for joy.

"Give Me Some Love" by Christofyk is that kind of song you listen to, completely immersed in it.

Filled with beautiful acoustic mesh of strings, giving the song a balladic  effect . It also  has captivating African undertones which brought out its alluring mid tempo sequence. You can sway to the song if you are not caught up thinking about the lyrics of the

Let me ask, what is a song without a  crazily stubborn hook that  decides not to disappear after you are done listening to the song?

'Give me some love' will undoubtedly play over and over again in your head long after you've listened

The song was skillfully produced, properly mixed and mastered, completely devoid of some distracting musical sounds that could've made the beat uninteresting.

Christofyk delivered awesomely, with energy and a somewhat conventional climax and sustenance of high notes to create a superduper emotional effect of listeners.

Perhaps after listening to 'Give me Some Love' you will ask King Ifey to 'Give You Some More'...LOL.

Don't  you worry...I will do well to get his whole album for you on this blog, but first... Do have a listen.

Follow him on Twitter and Instagra @christofyk


  1. Mr. Hyper . You hype

    1. Nonso. I hyped the song based on what i perceived really.

      Everything about the song is on point. Although some people pointed out the verses are long.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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