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Excuse Me Laugh to hold in PHcity on 2nd of December: Find out more.

Gospel Music artiste,  Laureche blesses  the year with a  new single titled 'Say Yes To A Child' in commemoration of the yearly event called "Excuse Me Laugh".
Say Yes To A Child is a single that comes from the deepest part of the singer's heart as she realises how immensely bereft our lives are if we aren't taking care of the destitute  young ones in our society.

So, this year's event is the first of its kind as the proceeds from the sales of tickets will be used to salvage the young ones  from  the ugly situation they face.

'Excuse Me Laugh' is an evening of unbridled fun filled with comedy,  dance and  music . This year's event is an absolutely  special edition. 

If you need a spur of unrestrained enthusiasm this beautiful season, attend this special edition of "Excuse Me Laugh".  

Wait for it... Here are the important personalities that  will grace  the event.
Laureche will be performing 'Say Yes To A Child' live on stage at the event. 

General Odeh, Chikancy,  KO Baba,  Dan D Humorous, Mr. Nat, MIZ and EML Comedy House will be there to give you clean and certified entertainment.

You can come with all your loved ones and have a wonderful time.  

Remember,  each ticket bought goes to put a smile on a street child's face this Christmas . Every ticket bought is a  'YES' to a child on the street. 

 Tickets are available at Oasis Centre, Laureche office  and The Promise Fast Food; or make your seat reservation online via

Tickets are sold at N2,000 , N5,000, N10,000. Purchase one and put a smile on a child's face this Christmas. 

 This great event is slated for Friday, 2nd December 2016, by 5PM, at Oasis Centre 12A Psychiatric Road Port Harcourt.

 Experience enormous entertainment that is unrivaled  and unprecedent.

Kindly click on the link below to see Laureche's amazing new video "Say Yes To A Child"

Follow her on twitter and Instagram @TheRealLaureche

For more enquiry call,  08097100692, 08099849382


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