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Gospel Alert: A Review of Kelvin's Bianule

Connecting with a song is usually not easy, but when it eventually happens, your life will never be the same again.
There is something particularly strong  about the emotions imbued in us through songs.

Kelvin's Bianule will leave you with teary eyes and heart full of joy after you've had a listen.
When you've been through dire strait, and by some stroke of grace, you were  saved from being drowned by eventualities, this song will pierce your heart and illicit a comforting kind of emotion.

You begin to understand the steadfastness of the father who
Lives amidst the sky with earth being his footstool.
Chukwu bi nigwe ogodo ya na akpu nala.

You will be prodded by instinct to let out a song of praise, joining the chorus to sing 'bianule what the lord has done'
The blind see, the deaf hear, the crippled walk, the sad become happy, the leper is made whole again.

The beat is calming but you can still sway to it anyway. The song was masterfully sung, with emphasis on the climax and no over singing too. Kelvin's sharp lyric tenor is exactly what the song needs in order to penetrate the heart much deeper...

Alright do have a listen and give your take on it.


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