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Let's Talk about Organ Donation...What Can You Do to Help Save Lives

I read that three person die daily in Europe due to shortage of body organs to help  avail the persons the opportunity to live. 
The scarcity is due to lack of donation of these vital body parts that can help save their lives.

Frankly, you and I know that it's really hard for any living being to give up a part of his or her body for another person's wellbeing. Many things might just go wrong really. Well, human body parts are priced  like gold and diamond these days.   Most times, you don't get to see what you're looking for, when it eventually becomes feasible in that it's somewhere stored ready to be used, the absurdly exorbitant price tag will immediately launch you into a planet of unimaginable gloom.

Now, I have thought immensely about this, and I want you my dear reader to help  out here. We've been taught about Agape love. The sort of love God has for humanity. According to our christian faith, our major priority is to save lives, right?

I suppose that includes spiritual and physical salvation.

So, it isn't difficult to notice that a lot of people are more inclined to spiritually salvage souls...that's good really, I can't refute that...awesome! But then, no one is interested in physically salvaging lives. Why is that

I have asked many people whether they can let doctors harvest all their organs in good shape and use it to save lives of people who can't afford to pay those bills that make one suicidal.
Well, traditional and religious ideologies crept into their answers. Most people said they can't do that. They believe God doesn't like that. Is this really true?

Some said they can, but they hope to be old before dying and their organs would've been so weak by then and it wouldn't help anyone.

Now here is the drill, as much as I know that the right thing to do is really to donate your body parts when you are dead to help save lives rather than be breakfast, lunch and  dinner for all the soil microbes... I still find it hard to make that declaration.

"When I die, please let them harvest my vital organs and give it for free to people who need it but can't afford to buy it'

Is it really like the hardest thing to do in this world?
Could you please share your opinion with me?

Perhaps our opinions might start changing with from here for the better.


  1. Its really hard. But let's let pray it does happen our loved ones, cause their might be a change of mind. We wouldn't like our loved ones to die. We should be careful with the way we live. Health Is wealth.

    1. You are absolutely right.
      I really think religion and tradition have played a huge role in making us really adamant about saving lives in this aspect.

    2. Thanks for commennting on the issue my brother. I really appreciate.

    3. Thanks for commennting on the issue my brother. I really appreciate.

  2. You are absolutely right.
    I really think religion and tradition have played a huge role in making us really adamant about saving lives in this aspect.


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