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A Review of Reekado Bank's Problem Video

It seems like the Mavins decided to give us another story to laugh about.
Reekado's new video  "Problem" is just too hilarious....whether positively hilariously or negatively shall be the judge of that.

Well, to all the ladies with phoney butts, and to all the guys that hanker after big butts, perhaps this will do you good if you watch it.
All that  looks supple isn't  big ass...some are stuffed with detachable silicon pads .

Well, it's only when you want to get down to the real brass tacks that you will figure out you've been played... Then your head will just immediately reflect a Jackass...LOL.
Anyway,  the dwarfs used in the video may have done little to enliven the video.

Reekado is really a good singer with a great voice , and just like many other musicians, he gives Nigerians the major theme of music most of us love to hear... One of them include 'women's butt'.
So, listen and sing to your heart desire. It is called PROBLEMS.

Well, guys check whether the song is  capable of  washing all your problems away or perhaps fuelling your already horrid problems...LOL


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