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Meet Otito Wilfred Aso The CEO of Mr. And Miss University Africa

Otito Wilfred Aso might come across to you as a young chap who, judging from his graceful looks, gets everything he needs at the snap of his finger; but this young , zealous and ambitious fellow is far from what we perceive him as. This 25 year old entrepreneur has achieved feats which one would consider to be unlikely for most people at his age.

Otito  is a native of  Awhum in Enugu state. He had part  of his basic education in Enugu State: attended Von Primary School and Federal Government College Enugu, He finally obtained a Bachelors degree in Engeneering at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka.

So, what's so inspiring about this young man? His life began with a dauntless zeal for the arts. He just wasn't your typical chicken-livered fellow who would chicken out from attempting to stabilise his passion against all odds
He knew what he wanted out of life, and began profusely chasing it with  consistency and focus; driven  by positivity and undeterred by failure.

How did he get to be the CEO of the prestigious Pageantry that has garnered so much attention across  the length and breadth of Africa?

His creative mind fashioned out the pageantry called Mr. And Miss University Africa. You might also want to ask how he prepared himself for such big show that cuts across the internet.

It all started as just a simple plan to create a magazine that would be very entertaining and yet, informative with high quality contents back in his undergraduate years. The Magazine effortlessly penetrated the hearts of the students, who gave it massive patronage.

By the time he was in his Final year, he hatched another mind-blowing idea of a show that aims to connect African youths in one prosperous unit, a show that displays our rich cultural heritage. That was when Mr. and Miss University Africa was birthed.

This pageantry has witnessed 3 years of successful activity and has spun into a Pan African pageantry being one of the last bastions of our cultural fashion heritage.

  Dexterous hands, and people who pay immense attention to details came together and gave Mr. And Miss University Africa a professional touch . This is very evident in the amount of models who have begun successful careers post pageantry, and are now world-class  super models and actors. They include Yemi Creg, who is currently on the T.V Show Silent Disco, 
John Eteng is the current global ambassador of BYC for Africa, and has a TV show on fitness, Prince is an actor and Ambassador for Durex. He has also featured in many movies.

Otito is really passionate about what he does. He is passionate about the arts and media. He continues making giant strides  towards achieving greater heights.

Inasmuch as his inclinations are more in favour of the media, he still keeps his social responsibility by aiding activities that helps to salvage our human dignity.

He started out a 'don't drink and drive' campaign' which had a lot of  publicity around the city of Lagos. He has also worked with a lot of influential personalities like Ayodele Twitch, Beverly Osu, Adduni Ade and many others.

In this world where a lot of people hanker after job security , the ones who are resilient in maintaining their stance on propagating their innate abilities and using them to help humanity, eventually emerge  victoriously.

'Work on what you love with passion and determination, and you will eventually succeed'...
These are his exact words, and they have irrefutably  been propitious for him.

To get to know Otito really well
Follow him on 
Twitter and instagram @otitowilfred


  1. I feel very inspired.
    Keep it my brother we go hala ur name oneday.

  2. God really bless some people oo. Cute, intelligent, smart and driven by a strong will to succeed.

    I love your zeal.

  3. Kudos to you bro. You have made yourself proud.

  4. Dude keep moving higher. Your story is inspiring.


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