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The photo of a woman breast-feeding her son and friend's son goes viral and people begin to throw stones


Got milk? Well, Jessica Anne Colletti has it all.  Just recently, the picture where she is feeding her child an her friend's child just went viral, and as expected , she is getting hugely criticised by  a lot of people around the world.

What did she do wrong? Do you think  it is wrong for her to supply the basic nutritional needs of a poor boy whose mother is usually busy and cant cope with doing it all? Well, according to  her she began feeding her friends son when he was 5 month old; his mother was quite busy and needed a nurse.. well, a wet nurse as they are called in the western world. She opted to help because she was nursing her 3-month-old baby then. Her friend was over the moon with the new development. Here is what Jessica said

''Breastfeeding my friend’s son came naturally to me. I started babysitting him when he was 5 months old and the first time she dropped him off to me I asked permission to nurse him, since I was already nursing my 3 month old. She responded with an enthusiastic yes, because he was having issues with the formula his previous sitter had been giving him. My friend struggled with breastfeeding in the beginning and succeeded for 9 months. She was always very happy that her son had the nutrition and comfort he needed while she was working. Being able to breastfeed her little boy has created a special bond between us all, a bond I will always cherish.''

Here’s  the smallest of lists from The World Health Organisation’s “Global Strategy On Infant And Young Child Feeding,” listing the best alternatives to direct breastfeeding:
Expressed breast milk from an infant’s own mother.
Breast milk from a healthy wet nurse or a human-milk bank.
Breast-milk substitute fed with a cup.

So, you may think the kids are a little too old to be fed breast milk, but the ideal age to wean a baby from that milk factory, is 2 years. At least he would have gotten all the vitality to enable his growth.

So there, if your mouth is open to throw daggers at the wet nurse, please sheathe the dagger. She has not done anything wrong.  We all need to start breaking away from certain ideologies of the old and I mean like seriously. If her friend didnt help , she would have still gone out to buy milk from the human milk bank. Hmm, Do we have any milk bank in Nigeria? Need to find that out.

What is your take on the issue? share in the comment box

Huffington Post


  1. The picture is breast licking cute!!
    Am OK with that!!

  2. Well, I was about to say it is wrong, but seeing how you explain it, she shouldn't be criticized. she is helping out


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