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                      Righteous Lucifer

Profanity?  Is that what you think of the heading? Lucifer cannot be righteous? Well, like I will always say, we are entitled to our various opinions; but read on and see how righteous he has got.

It may seem incredible for one to believe that Lucifer is righteous…enormously righteous; but of course he is. What in the world could be racing through your mind right now?  I know you perhaps may be thinking ‘what philosophy is he trying to drag up from the pit of hell for us to read?’. Would you want to jab a knife into me and watch me drown in the pool of my blood? Please, before you conceive sending me a hate mail, digest these facts.

 Seriously, aren’t your ears as bent and scrunched as mine by these overused statements: the devil did this, the devil did that and that very painful phrase which has irritatingly decided not to be a cliché – it was the devil or it was the handwork of the devil. Please, if I may ask, how did I know it was the devil? Was he there with me?

When Mr. Gbenga decided to illegally lay in extra few millions from the people’s account–it was the devil. When Mr. Akpos was caught making out with another man’s wife like an insatiable he-goat– it was the devil. When Genevieve was caught shoplifting from Shoprite–it was the devil. When Adeniyi was indicted for murder—it was still the devil. Udodi smoked weed and became uncontrollably destructive—it was irrefutably the same devil. Adaugo slept unprotected with a guy and got her belly pumped with a young soul— it was yet the devil too.  She squashed the living ball of innocence, things went complicated, and her womb became as arid as a desert—it was still the devil.

When our mouths are becoming leakier with gossips and rumour, is that the devil also? When we are getting lewd and grimier with our jokes, should we put the blame on the devil too? When churlishness throbs in our bellies and makes us want to throw up impolite and derogatory remarks, is that the devil’s responsibility?  When we men keep prowling for conquests and letching after many ladies, when the apparently prude becomes excessively prurient, is that also his impeccable handwork of proselytizing our hearts into Satanism?  Must all our moral bankruptcy and life of insouciance be attributed to the supposedly magnificent work of the devil? Please feel free to write down all the other terrible crimes we always shamelessly (as I would like to use) blame the devil for.

Back to the matter, I have always wondered whether God created us without a choice. Did he really do that?  Were Adam and Eve as choiceless as slaves are to a king? On close scrutiny of the bible, I discovered that man was left with a choice— in as much as his heart was pristine, and he knew no sin.

 When Lucifer came, he didn’t possess Eve to perpetrate his ungodly will; rather, Eve was fully convinced and she exercised her power of will and took that savoury bite which promised enlightenment. She ate the forbidden fruit and served the remaining half to her husband as another luscious, irresistible dinner. They both ate and were illuminated as much as Lucifer is. Tell me whether Lucifer plucked the fruit and sufficiently fed them till they were laden like overfed mosquitoes with the much needed enlightenment that they sought?


Now, have you ever asked what if Adam owned up to the fact that it was his fault and not the fault of the woman God gave him? What if eve admitted to her fault and exonerated Lucifer who was just there spectating their miserable downfall? I strongly believe that God would have had some sort of mercy on them.

What kills human beings is usually the apportioning of blames. Please, I am not a saint. I am still human and I also apportion blames as swiftly as anybody could too—but God hates such things. Why not admit it if you did it. We keep hearing things like ‘It was the devil that made me get drunk and rape her’. ‘It was the handwork of devil that made me doctor the food he ate and died’. ‘It was the devil that made me kill him’.   Funny enough, that devil was apparently not there.

We have been told that after the big fight in heaven, Lucifer was thrown down into the bottomless pit with all his angels, where he massively burns while he receives his just deserts. He is also flawed at the legs and can’t possibly walk; but yet, we make this Lucifer as omnipresent as possible.

There was a fracas in Enugu now— the devil perpetrated it.  There were people getting laid in all the exquisite rooms in Sheraton hotel, Abuja— the devil perpetrated it.
Somebody deliberately jumped from that Tinubu’s Lagos Bridge into the Atlantic Ocean—it was the devil that orchestrated it. Please, one more question, can he really be everywhere in this world and yet still be burning eternally in that abyss, that endless tunnel, that dark sullen hall? I may not know it all but Lucifer can’t be sovereign. Never! I do know that if I had asked whether devil was omnipresent, you would have given me that look that asks whether I was this truant lad who boycotted Sunday school classes and grew up really really none the wiser. But at least, now it is crystal clear how we make Lucifer omnipresent.

 Please whatever crime you commit, own up to it. Don’t make it seem like the devil got you cooked in a cauldron of carelessness and indifference and ultimately, fizzled away your power of choice in to thin air. He is not as puissant as we may have made him be. Don’t drag the devil any further into your mess, because his mess is by far incalculably huge. He suffers his mess and doesn’t need our blames falling on him like brimstones from over 7billions of us around the world—it would really amount to being inappropriately punished.  On that final day, when God asks you while you did whatever you did, please find a way to answer that without incorporating the righteous Lucifer.

Are we going to be gritty enough to stand and sufficiently defend ourselves on that last day, when Lucifer bears down on us, adequately exonerating himself?. He would stentoriously assert his innocence and then ….and only then would we look at him and remember this… ‘Righteous Lucifer’. And we, with eyes liquid with regret, would then realize that hell, against our wish, just exactly fits the judgment bill. It doesn’t make a blind bit of difference whether a demon possessed me or I wasn’t perpetrating evil with my normal God-given mind. The fact still remained that I singlehandedly perpetrated it.

Finally, let us leave the devil the hell alone and live with the dominion God has given us— the choice to do good or evil. I will exercise my power of will and blame nobody anymore. Let my righteousness speak for me, and let the devil’s righteousness speak for the devil.

So, as it is usual with me, here is to us, may our usage of the expression ‘it was the devil’ start sounding very cliché to us from now on.  do share to a friend.




  1. Nice one My brother! Thanks for that

  2. Really is a nice one though but when it comes to spirituality, I say nothing because everything about it is contradicting. For instance, after the war in heaven which took place long before Adam and eve were created the devil was chained in hell. How did he manage to convince eve to eat from the forbidden fruit? He was still burning in brimstone and how did he manage to seek permission from God to test Job? He was still there at the abyss of the bottomless pit and he came tempting the Messiah. You see, this whole stuff - I guess I don't get it. We should be brave enough to admit out mistakes, strong enough to correct them and find courage to move until that day........ Thanks Ifechukwu for that one

  3. Francis Akalazu3 May 2015 at 15:05

    This is a beautiful piece dear and I must assure you that you simply stated the truth. We know there are three forces that militate against Man: the self, the World and the devil. Truly, we know the devil's sphere of influence over man is limited to temptation (except in rare cases of possession) and therefore man's actions are simply products of his will. This is the very reason why we are accountable for our actions. For if everything were to be the devil's fault, then we couldn't be held responsible for those actions. May all come to take responsibility for their actions or inaction, failings and failures while placing our hope in Him who not only gives to us but also forgives us.

  4. Even though Adam and eve did not own up to their fault neither did the devil. Remember the were all cursed for this by God. So they were all culpable. The devil ain't no said bro.


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