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Simply Beautiful by Ify Dan Excell

Music in Nigeria has taken an entirely newer and better look. As the days go by , awesome symphonies keep emanating from this part of the world.

From the city of Port Harcourt comes this ground-breaking symphony From Ify Dan Excell, titled 'Simply Beautiful'.

I have to admit , Port Harcourt artistes have decided to do away with the conventional gospel sequences that have made gospel music to be largely uninteresting to a lot  of youngsters. These contemporary sounds have been greatly welcomed by the younger generation.

The song 'Simply Beautiful' has subtle pastiches of Disney-kind of symphonies; and Ify Dan Excel's lyrical clarity  makes the song to be even more spectacular. Every note comes out stronger and firmer in her  warm mezzo-soprano range.

The picture she paints in the lyrics of her song makes me visualise the medieval beauty of a world that is untainted with modern technology.😃

The song reminds us of how simply beautiful God is, how he created the universe  and put everything in place  in what many would view as an intelligent design.

A little excerpt of the lyrics

"What about the mountains!
What about the waterfalls!
 What about the springs from the rock
What about the hills high and low .....
What about the lightening!
What about the Thunderstorm!
What about the baby in the womb....
you are simply simply simply beautiful"

Ify Dan Excel is from  Anambra state  . She is based in Port Harcourt and  married with beautiful kids.

Her song is the quintessencial example of a properly mixed and mastered song.

 Click here to download


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