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Countries that start with definite article and why they do so. Find out if 'to call someone all sorts of names' is a correct expression in English

Good morning KIB students. 
Today,  you will get your grammatical emancipation from forgetting to add the definite article 'the' in front of some countries.

The other day,  I mentioned a few countries we always  talk about here in Nigeria and how most people forget to add definite article in front of them.
The basic confusion that arose was,  why do they really have a definite article in some and not in others?
So,  let's get down to brass tacks and understand why that is so.
Some countries are just proper noun E.g  Canada, Nigeria,  Ghana,  South Africa,  India,  China,  Japan.
These countries don't have a definite article.
Countries that have definite articles in front of them always have common nouns in them.
1.The Dominican republic
2. The United States of America or the US
3. The United Kingdoms or the UK
4. The Marshal Islands 
5. The northern Mariana's island
6 The United Arab Emirates
7. The Czech Republic 
8. The Vatican City.
9. The Dominican Republic

Remember when Nigeria was a republic,  it was called  the Federal  Republic of Nigeria.
There are common nouns in the 10 countries we mentioned.
If you want to know why we have countries like The Gambia and the Philippines, don't miss any class at all.
Click these links to find out interesting stuff likeWhy you don't say ' you can't eat your cake and have it also find out why we why 'pokenose' is a wrong word.  Don't ever say 'talk more or talk less of. they are wrong. Click here to get the right thing to say
In the use of idioms,  there is no room for creativity. So,  say it just as the native users say it.
Look at this statement.
The last time we fought,  she called me all sorts of names.
It is wrong. The right thing to say is.. 
The last time we fought,  she called me names.

To Call names means to insult someone. Don't  add or subtract from an idiom,  okay?
Okay guys,  the class with King Ifey is done and dusted. 
I will be going to the Bahamas from here.



  1. Can you imagine? After 5 hours and no comments from my classmates? It's okay.
    Thanks a lot Tisha.

  2. Thank you Unku.

    I'll be going with you to the Bahamas.

  3. I need how to write the detonate article of nigeria


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