I love all the new students in my class. You guys are awesome by the way. 😀😀 Today. I want to give you a better expression for saying that 'you know something very well'. #Offhead? There is nothing like offhead. 'I know it off head' is wrong. #Offhand? What does offhand mean? It mean without previous thought or consideration. Just like saying 'on the spur of moment' , 'immediately', 'spontaneously'. So, do you just know something offhand? No...not at all. You can say something offhand, do anything offhand but then it seems weird to say ' I know the answer offhand'. It is normal 'to say the answer offhand'. Do you get my drift? People don't know anything spontaneously, rather, they say what they already know, spontaneously. Now to the final expression #HaveSomethingOffPat? It means to know something or be able to do something perfectly; be perfect master of something . So rather tha...
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