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The mistake we make with Reverse, Reply, Rewind. What Nigerians Call Tea is actually not tea. Find out here.

Good morning KIB students. if you are new and you are following my  daily posts but not really on my friend list, please comment  on this post and I will accept you.

KIB means King Ifey's Blog. If you are learning, then you are already a member here.😉😉

Alright guys, Let's get down to brass tacks.

Reverse,  rewind and reply.

These three words  have a particular direction which is-- going back.

I reversed and sped off✔

I reversed back and sped off❌

I sent a letter, he hasn't replied✔

I sent a letter, he hasn't replied.

I rewound the film  to that scene✔

I rewound the film back to that scene.❌

'Plate number' may sound like it's very correct to everyone, but the right statement is ' number plate'

Cattle rearer?

That is not how Englishmen call it.

They call them headsmen, cattlemen, herders    or cattle herders, ranchers (used on someone who rears these animals while they are in a ranch).

So, use the English terms.

I know we all know the prayer
'The lord is my shepherd', right?

Those of you who don't care about how badly you pronounce your words, I hope you are not planning to travel anytime soon or travel at all.

Imagine telling someone, ' the lord is your shepherd' and you pronounce shepherd like '(shefard or sheferd). They won't understand you at all.

already, Englishmen pronounce it as 'shepuhd'... where 'uh'  represents the schwa.

So it is not

/ ˈʃefa:d/❌

it is called


It is also correct to call a shepherd, a sheepherder.

a few french words for you all.

au lait: it means 'with milk'.
Chocolate milk can be called chocolate au lait.

it is wrong to call chocolate milk  TEA. Tea is different my friends. and doesn't taste like chocolate. We hardly take tea here in Nigeria. Some people take Toptea I guess.😃

you can have garri au lait, cornflakes au lait, oat au lait.

Just be french today😂.

Au fait: To be au fait with something means to know that thing very well.

I am au fait with how things work here on Facebook.  Are you?😏

au lait is pronounced as... Oh lay.

au fait is pronounced as 'Oh fay'


tête a tête .
this word has a hilarious pronunciation from Nigerians 

tete a teete...😂😂❌

it is pronounced as
teta tet
or 'tate are TATE'

ˌtɛtaˈtɛt,/ or

Thank you guys for choosing King Ifey Academy. The online facebook closed group starts 15th September.

If you are ready to learn for 3 months, then you subscribe.

You pay 7000 per month.  Classes are held 20 times in that month.

After 3  months, you will have successfully been part of 60 classes.

The class is all about British English. Getting it alright, from enunciation, to stress, to proper British expressions.

I will also give basic tips on writing too.

Many people are afraid to write. It is disheartening. You must not Adichie before you start writing. You are shackling your creativity if you do so.

To make the paying process easier,  make your payment to this account.


Access bank

Muonyili Ifechukwu.

Send the proof of your payment to me so you can get admitted😊. It is very simple.

Someone made a donation of 8000  to the academy. It seems he or she doesn't want me to know who he or she is.

I cried happy tears last night. I am still waiting for that person to tell me he did that.

If you have ever supported my free online lessons, I immensely appreciate. You guys keep me going.

The class with King Ifey is done and dusted.

*Walks out of the class, peeps through the window*

Did you  know that  these days married couples get to live with a third person who usually join them in bedroom for sex.

That arrangement is called
ménage à trois

meɪˌnɑːʒ ɑː ˈtrwʌ/


an arrangement in which a married couple and the lover of one of them live together.

Yes,  things are happening in the world and I will try you keep abreast of it all😃.

I will be on the  next flight to Timbuktu😏



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