I laughed when the news about the pastor who cautioned women about wearing heels trended on Facebook. Do you know why I laughed? Yes, hundreds of years ago, men wore high heels: that type that Denrele wears these days and other kinds of heels. LOL. High heels were a sign of masculine virility, royalty and wealth. It was only meant for alpha males. Only the strong wore it. Sounds absurd? LMAO. In the studio where I work, I see a photo of PortHarcourt men in the 1970s, they wore pencil-trousers. Yes, they did. It was just what it was, pencil trousers. Even when I go through the photo album of my mum and dad, I saw men wearing all sorts of outfits that we judge with our jaundiced view of fashion these days. I believe the norms affect our mindset. If men were to wear high heels as a sign of virility and masculinity today, I am not sure anyone would throw stones at men who wore high heels; rather, th...
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